Daily Sober Book

Alcohol's Impact on the Heart

Aug 08, 2024

The heart is a tireless engine, working 24/7 to pump life-giving blood throughout our body. This blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to every cell, keeping us alive and kicking. Now, imagine pouring a bit of alcohol into your car’s fuel tank. Not the best idea, right? Similarly, when we take a sip of alcohol, it starts a chain reaction in our body, including our heart.

Initially, alcohol can make the heart beat a bit faster, giving the heart an extra workload, and just like us, after a long day, the heart doesn't enjoy additional stress. When someone goes on a binge-drinking spree, it's like making the heart run a marathon without any training.

In the short term, this leads to irregular heartbeats, a condition known as 'holiday heart syndrome,’ when the heart feels like it’s dancing to a wonky beat, and not in a good way. One time, I binged so much alcohol that I got a terrible panic attack. My heart felt like it was over 200bmp, so bad paramedics had to stabilize me, thus sending me to the hospital, all from drinking! That was scary.

But the real worry is the long haul. Chronic alcohol abuse can lead to serious heart issues. Over time, too much alcohol can lead to high blood pressure, heart muscle damage (alcoholic cardiomyopathy), and increases the risk of stroke. It slowly chips away at the heart's ability to do its job effectively.

But how about this: every sip of alcohol we don't take is a small victory for our hearts. It's always possible to start considering our heart health. Whether cutting down on drinks or stopping entirely, each step is towards a happier, healthier heart.

A sober heart is a healthier heart.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

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