Daily Sober Book

Are You Ready To Change TODAY?

Sep 24, 2024

Don’t put off tomorrow what you can do today.

The time to make a change is now, not tomorrow. There is no such thing as the past or future. If you disagree, look around, where is the past? Where is the future? They are illusions we’ve created to escape the current moment.

Here's the thing: every moment you wait, thinking you'll start 'tomorrow,' is a moment lost. ‘Tomorrow' has a sneaky way of staying out of reach, always a day away. We constantly present excuses for why tomorrow is better than today. The truth is, the perfect time to start your journey to sobriety, or any change you want to make, is right this second.

My journey was that way. One evening, I watched a movie and saw myself in the film. With disgust and shame, I told myself I was going to stop drinking. I didn’t care what other mistakes I made, but I wasn’t going to drink anymore. I didn’t put it off any longer because my health and sanity depended on it.

Think about it. Each day you delay, you're not just putting off progress; you're actively choosing to stay in a place you know isn't where you want to be - like sitting in a waiting room, watching life pass by. But you can stand up and walk out of that room.

Getting sober or making any big life change can feel daunting. It starts with one decision, one action, one day. And that day can be today. Each day you choose sobriety, you're building a new path, brick by brick.

Don't let 'too late' become a regret. Let 'now' be the start of something new and unique. Your future self will thank you for the courage you showed today. Remember, change isn't just about avoiding a negative; it's about creating a new positive.


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