Daily Sober Book

Be Careful Of Your Environments

Sep 14, 2024

Our environment plays a massive role in shaping our decisions. If you’re on a diet but hang out at the candy store, you’ll probably eat candy at some point. For someone battling addiction, places like bars or clubs act as constant temptations. It's not just about willpower; it's about reducing the risk of relapse by avoiding triggers.

Around three weeks sober, I experienced a tempting situation. While having dinner with friends, someone I didn’t know joined us and ordered a whiskey, my favorite brand. The aroma of the drink, the appearance, and just the entire vibe was enticing. I politely excused myself. I texted my friends, saying I’m putting my sobriety first. I left. They understood and encouraged me to rejoin them when things would be more comfortable.

In that scenario, a couple of things happened: 1) I didn’t fall prey to temptation; I put my sobriety first, and 2) My friends were supportive and encouraging. There was no peer pressure, which made it easy.

When a sober person visits unhealthy environments, they're constantly exposed to what they’re trying to avoid. This can reignite cravings and old habits, making staying on the right path harder. Testing your resolve can be exhausting and, frankly, dangerous.

Frequenting these places can also lead to a sense of isolation or disconnection from the sober lifestyle. It might feel like being stuck between two worlds, not fully belonging to either. This can impact mental health and undermine the support system that's crucial for recovery. Create a physical and mental safe space to nurture and maintain hard-earned progress. If environments threaten your sobriety, you have a choice to leave.

Are you strong enough to leave situations that jeopardize your principles?



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