Daily Sober Book

Boredom is YOUR Problem

Jul 30, 2024

"I'm bored" is an excuse that can lead to relapse. Boredom is a luxury. To have nothing interest you and be restless and weary is a lucky problem. Look at the world's hardships; many people find boredom unfathomable - they have so much daily stress and worry just trying to survive. Be grateful if you can be bored.

My kids used to say, “Dada, I’m bored.” To that, I said, “That’s your problem. We live in a big house; there are many toys in your room, bicycles in the garage, and a huge yard to play in.” I don’t feel sorry for their “boredom.” My kids are bored because they want someone to entertain them, but I explain that absolute joy comes from working hard on things you’re passionate about.

Engage in hobbies - they are not just time fillers; they provide a sense of achievement and can be incredibly satisfying. Physical activities like hiking, long walks, or joining a sports team are excellent for keeping you busy and boosting physical health and endorphins, the natural feel-good hormones.

Another approach is to volunteer or get involved in community activities. It gives a sense of purpose and connection to others. Helping others can be incredibly rewarding and a great time to spend. Let's not forget the power of learning. Taking a class, whether online or in-person, on subjects you've always been curious about can be stimulating and rewarding, contributing to your personal growth.

When boredom strikes, it's important to remember that turning to drugs and alcohol is a temporary and harmful fix. Instead, finding fulfilling activities contributing to personal growth can provide long-lasting satisfaction and support sobriety.

How do you handle boredom?

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

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