Daily Sober Book

You Can't Make Someone Quit (Addiction)

Aug 12, 2024

Nobody could make me change. I had to want it myself, and when I decided to get sober, I was alone - just me and my thoughts. There was no influence or suggestion, but I knew the time was right. The truth is, as much as we might want to, we can't force someone to get sober. It's like trying to push someone up a hill – unless they're willing to climb themselves, they'll never reach the top.

This is where a little tough love comes into play—it's a hard pill to swallow, but sometimes stepping back is necessary. Bailing someone out of their consequences or pleading with them to change can inadvertently enable their behavior. We must stop cushioning the fall; preventing them from hitting the bottom might spur the change they need.

But don’t give up on someone; it's about setting boundaries and stopping the cycle of enabling. It's a message that says, "I care about you, but I can't support your destructive behavior." It's hoped that experiencing the total weight of their choices might motivate them to seek change.

Sobriety is a personal journey. Whether someone is ready to embark on it depends entirely on them. It is a path that requires commitment, courage, and a willingness to face oneself and one's demons head-on.

Offer genuine support without rescuing, caring without enabling, and hope that one day, the decision to walk the path of sobriety will be made.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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