Daily Sober Book

Commit To Yourself

Oct 11, 2024

 Suppose you’ve admitted powerlessness over alcohol or your disease—good for you. That’s a huge step—the journey has begun. But go deeper, to where you haven’t gone, to the places you want to be, free of addiction and harmful behaviors. Commit to putting in the work for your happiness.

Renewing our commitment is beneficial because we sometimes need more focus on the big picture. It helps to have a robust support system and visualization goals because some days will be full of despair. Just because you’re sober (or want to be) doesn’t mean tomorrow will be easy. Bodybuilders gain massive strength and keep muscle mass years after they stop working out, which means just because we stop drinking doesn’t mean our behaviors change. We have to commit to fixing them.

In sobriety, you might lose your job or get broken up with - bad things can happen. You’ll have to deal with life on life’s terms. Welcome to the “big world,” which is a place different from the irresponsible world of addiction. As we overcome challenges, we realize bad moments are temporary, and renewing our commitment can get us through the most challenging days.

Stick to your guns, stand up for your beliefs, and renew your commitment to a happier, healthier, sober life. Your acknowledgment of powerlessness is the foundation for ongoing transformation.


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