Daily Sober Book

Kill Your Ego

self-improvement Jul 28, 2024

The ego contributes to defects; awareness is the key to overcoming it.


Our ego, a complex part of our psyche, mediates between desires and the demands of the real world. It guides our interactions with the external world, often prioritizing its own needs. Yet, it can also be a fragile entity, particularly those struggling to find a balance.

The ego plays a crucial role in building our identity and is heavily involved in how we see ourselves and wish to be seen by others. It’s tied closely to self-esteem, self-image, and personal values. Regarding recovery, we must keep the ego in check because it can become overconfident - convincing us it’s ok to drink/use when we know it’s not. In addition, the ego can lead to denial about the severity of our addiction. It can prevent an individual from realizing they have a problem, a critical first step in recovery.

Another area for improvement with the ego is resistance to help. The ego thinks it’s Superman, not needing anyone, which hinders growth. A big ego is also associated with a lack of empathy, which makes it harder to connect and understand others. We have to keep our egos in check.

Embracing humility is a cornerstone of a successful recovery program. It provides a realistic view of ourselves and the world, offering a path towards growth and healing.

How has ego damaged your life?

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