Daily Sober Book

Don't Be Overconfident

Oct 03, 2024

Be confident but not too confident about sobriety because you can never conquer addiction. We need to realize addiction is a disease, and it never goes away. I haven’t drunk in 11 years, but if I started again tomorrow, I’d be right back where I left off in no time at all.

Let’s say you tell a friend, "I can go to that party and not drink; I beat alcohol." But addiction is sneaky. It waits around corners. Being in those old tempting situations can reignite old urges before you even realize what's happening.

One of my relapses was putting myself in an unsafe environment. A friend invited me out, and I was confident my sobriety was strong. Well, guess who showed up at the same bar? My ex-girlfriend, for whom I still had feelings. I got hammered, really drunk, and made an ass of myself. It was an embarrassing evening for me.

Find that sweet spot of confidence: feeling strong but respecting the journey and the challenges. The road is smooth and straight but keeps one hand on the wheel.

Stay humble and keep doing whatever keeps you sober (like meetings, therapy, or just regular check-ins with yourself) is critical. It's not about doubting yourself; it's about staying aware and not underestimating the power of addiction.


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