Daily Sober Book

Don't Compromise Your Values

self-improvement Jun 18, 2024

Stand up for what you believe because there will be temptations. If we don’t know what we stand for, we’ll end up relapsing, restarting the cycle we wish to avoid. As we change, our values do as well. You might find it necessary to spend time alone answering the question, “What do I believe?” I had those questions. We might think we believe in something, but do you really? Think about it. Figure out who you are because the person in sobriety shouldn’t be the same as the person in addiction.

My twin daughters are ten years old and will soon feel pressure from school and their environments. As we discussed values, I had them write down what they stood for and believed in. Next, we reviewed scenarios to see their actions when those values were compromised. My point was to teach them not to be afraid and to stand alone, if necessary. The same is true for us. Early in my sobriety, if I felt my values were compromised, then I left the environment to find somewhere more comfortable. I was just fine standing alone.

Upholding our values is about personal strength and staying true to the principles we hold dear. If we must be alone or walk away from situations, so be it.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

*** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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