Daily Sober Book

Examine Relationship Patterns

patterns relationships May 27, 2024

Analyze patterns in your relationships. Recognizing these patterns is essential for building healthier connections. Let’s focus on three patterns: Social, Emotional, and Routine Patterns.

  1. Social Patterns: Picture this: you instinctively reach for a drink or a substance whenever you're with certain friends or in specific social settings. This reflex-like behavior is a clear sign that your social environment is intricately entwined with addictive tendencies. To break free, consider cultivating a social circle that aligns more with your sobriety goals. Swap the party scene for a yoga or running group, where the focus is on health, not hedonism.
  2. Emotional Patterns: When stressed, your go-to is to self-medicate with substances. This pattern is a red flag that you're using for emotional support. The game-changer here is developing healthier coping mechanisms. Think mindfulness, meditation, or hitting the gym – anything that helps deal with emotions in a non-destructive way. It’s not that you need to run from emotions but learn to deal with them maturely.
  3. Routine Patterns: Maybe every night after work, you have a habit of kicking back with a few drinks to unwind. It's become part of your daily ritual. It’s time to create a new, healthier evening routine. Maybe dive into a hobby, cook a fancy meal, or get into a good book or Netflix series. Replace the not-so-great habit with something positive and engaging—a better routine.

Investigating these patterns, ask yourself, “Okay, what’s happening here?" Once you spot these patterns, you can start rewriting them. You can pave a new path for yourself, leading to a healthier, happier you.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

*** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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