Daily Sober Book

Focus On Today Only

Sep 16, 2024

The path to sobriety is one day at a time. Let’s do a “Day in the Life” for Rachel, a teacher:

**Morning - Setting the Tone for the Day: **

Rachel starts her day with a ritual to prepare for her students. She brushes her teeth, washes her face, and focuses on each task. Sitting in a cozy corner, she writes a 2-minute journal entry on what she wants to accomplish. This time is unique; it’s when she clears her mind and sets intentions for the day. Next, Rachel enjoys a healthy breakfast. She practices mindful eating, savoring each bite and appreciating the nourishment. She doesn’t check her phone or email until she arrives at school. This has been her time.

**Afternoon - Maintaining Focus Amidst Daily Activities: **

During her day, Rachel takes short breaks between classes. During these breaks, she practices breathing exercises, always through the nose, and briefly walks outside during lunch- the best way to get Vitamin D. This helps reset and refocus, especially when tasks become overwhelming. She is consciously fully engaged, avoiding multitasking. Her phone is away throughout the day, allowing her to give her undivided attention to students and tasks.

**Evening - Reflecting and Unwinding: **

As her day winds down, Rachel engages in relaxed activities. Instead of defaulting to passive activities like TV, she might read a book, cook a new recipe, or practice a hobby. Before bed, Rachel reflects on her day, jotting down thoughts in her journal. This reflection helps her appreciate the moments she experienced, learn from them, and let go of any lingering stress.

In every part of her day, Rachel practices mindfulness, ensuring she is fully present. Her "Day in the Life" shows how focusing on the present can transform an ordinary day into a series of meaningful, enjoyable experiences.



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