Daily Sober Book

Go to Treatment

rehab treatment May 20, 2024

Treatment is expensive, but you know what’s free? Addiction. That costs nothing, but the damage to your life and relationships can be irreparable. No amount of money can fix specific damage done while drunk or high. Deep in addiction, people lose rationale and become oblivious that their lives are spiraling out of control. 

I went to treatment two times. It’s not that the first time wasn’t adequate, but I wasn’t ready. Rehab did plant a seed, though. This is why we shouldn’t give up on people who undergo treatment multiple times. It’s not for us to judge when they gain clarity on what addiction has done to their life.

One way to invalidate the “treatment costs too much” excuse is to shift the perspective from cost to investment. Treatment might have a price tag, but you’re investing in a healthier, happier future. It's putting your resources into something that can turn your life around rather than into substances that drag you down.

Also, if someone wants help badly enough, there are free alternatives such as community groups, online resources, or local support meetings like AA or NA – they might not have the exact cost as formal treatment programs but can be incredibly valuable – it doesn’t have to break the bank to be effective.

Plus, when you think about the long-term costs of addiction – health problems, potential legal issues, lost work productivity – investing in recovery can save money in the long run.

While the initial cost might seem like a barrier, reframing treatment as an investment in a better life and exploring more budget-friendly options can help push past that excuse and take a step toward positive change.

What are your thoughts on treatment and rehab?

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Day's of Sobriety course, click here.

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