Daily Sober Book

Helping Others to Help Yourself

road to sobriety Jul 18, 2024

If you want to feel better, help someone else.  Part of fulfilling our purpose is through service and helping others.

Years ago, I volunteered at a food kitchen. Each week, I saw the same volunteers and became friendly with this guy, Tom. He and I both were volunteering as a way to give back but also to keep busy because we were newly sober. Tom was proud of his progress but felt something was missing — he wasn’t truly fulfilled.

At the food kitchen, Tom met a young woman, Sarah, who was also recently sober but struggling. Her path was filled with setbacks. I encouraged him to offer her support. He shared his experiences, lent an empathetic ear, and provided guidance, expecting nothing in return but the satisfaction of helping someone in need.

I began to notice a change in both of them. She grew more confident and began to reclaim her life. However, Tom didn’t expect this experience to be so profound. Helping Sarah reignited his passion for life and gave him a sense of purpose he hadn’t felt in a long time. He found joy in the small victories of her journey and, in turn, gained a deeper appreciation for his own.

Tom's mental health improved. The bouts of loneliness that often followed him in his sobriety began to fade. He felt happier and more connected, and his outlook on life became more positive. Helping Sarah had not only contributed to her recovery but also amplified his well-being.

In helping others, we find unexpected gifts for ourselves. The fulfillment from aiding someone in need can nourish our souls, strengthen our mental health, and bring a sense of joy and purpose that is hard to find elsewhere.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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