Daily Sober Book

How to Breathe

breathing impulsive urges meditations May 22, 2024

It might seem silly to talk about breathing. Most people will say, “I get it. Take in oxygen and let your lungs do their magic. Eventually, the heart will pump oxygen in the blood. What is there to talk about?” There’s a lot to talk about. Breathing correctly is essential, literally and figuratively.

When we're stressed or anxious, our breathing changes. It becomes rapid and shallow, mainly using the upper chest instead of the entire lung. This type of breathing could be more efficient in oxygenating our bodies. It's like trying to run a marathon on half a lung – you're not getting all the oxygen you need, leaving you feeling more stressed or anxious. Improper shallow breathing can also contribute to bad decisions. When our brain doesn't get enough oxygen, it doesn't function as well.

So, how should we breathe properly? The key is to breathe deeply through your nose. Nasal breathing enhances nitric oxide production, which helps blood flow and oxygenation. Breathe deeply enough that your belly rises and falls, not just your chest.

Breathing might seem like a petty thing to focus on, but it's essential, especially in managing stress and making good decisions. Proper breathing can be a powerful tool in staying calm and centered. It's a simple yet effective way to reset your stress levels and clear your mind.

In recovery, where stress and anxiety can trigger, mastering the art of breathing can be a lifeline. So, take a deep breath through your nose, let your belly expand, and exhale slowly. It's a small step, but it can make a big difference in the journey to wellness.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

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