Daily Sober Book

Dealing with Loss and Pain

relationships Jul 29, 2024

Grieving can be incredibly challenging, but it's possible to navigate these emotions without turning to substances. Living in addiction, it was easier to cope with loss; we picked up a bottle or other substance to numb ourselves, essentially ignoring and not feeling pain. But the real world doesn’t work that way. As a sober person, we have to sit in sadness and tell ourselves that it will go away at some point. Until then, it’s going to hurt.

Here are some things you can do when dealing with loss:

  1. Support: Reach out to a support system that understands your loss. Share your feelings; chances are someone listening has dealt with something similar.
  2. Journaling: Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process grief. It allows you to release your emotions.
  3. Create a Memorial: Celebrate the life of your loved one by creating a memorial or participating in activities that honor their memory.
  4. Coping Strategies: Identify healthy coping strategies, such as deep breathing, art, or music, that provide an outlet for grief.
  5. Professional Help: If grief becomes overwhelming or you feel at risk of relapse, don't hesitate to seek professional counseling or therapy for specialized guidance.
  6. Celebrate Progress: Acknowledge your strength and resilience in maintaining sobriety during a difficult time. Each day of sobriety is an achievement.
  7. Remember the Bigger Picture: Remind yourself that numbing the pain with substances will only delay the grieving process and potentially lead to more problems.

Navigating loss while staying sober requires patience, self-compassion, and commitment. Seeking help is a sign of strength, and it's okay to lean on others during this difficult time.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

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