Daily Sober Book

"I'll Fail Eventually"

Aug 30, 2024

If you think you’ll fail, you probably will, and if you think you’ll succeed, you likely will. Our mindset plays a huge role in sobriety because things aren’t always easy.  If we succumb to pressures and triggers, then relapses will be frequent. When you approach sobriety with optimism and a can-do attitude, you're more likely to stay motivated and resilient in the face of challenges. See setbacks not as failures but as opportunities to learn and grow.

I got sober in 2012, and I was determined not to drink. At that point, I got sick and tired of being me and knew I was holding myself back. I did not think I would fail - I didn’t give myself that option. I told myself, “Justin, you are NOT going to drink today.” I did that one day at a time; otherwise, by taking on too much, the plan might have gotten too complicated.

People often fail because they bite off more than they can chew. Instead of trying to change five things, do one thing. For me, it was not drinking, period. I didn’t care if I cursed at someone or got mad and kicked a horse - at least I didn’t drink. I wasn’t trying to be perfect. I had one goal: don’t drink.

Positivity isn't about ignoring the hard stuff; it's about facing it with hope and believing you can overcome it. By maintaining a positive attitude, you're constantly reminding yourself of your capability and worth, which is essential for a successful and sustained sobriety journey.

Don’t view yourself as a failure; you are a success!



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