Daily Sober Book

Positive Affirmations

loving kindness meditation meditations positive affirmations self love May 21, 2024

Extend love and compassion to yourself and others, addressing defects with understanding.

We need to understand that defects don’t define our worth. Everyone has flaws; they don’t make you any less valuable or worthy. It’s important to embrace your whole self, imperfections included. Your mistakes are growth opportunities; each flaw is a chance to learn something new about yourself.

Sometimes, we need to hijack our brains into believing positive things. Positive affirmations can rewire our mindset into a kinder and more compassionate person. Once you reshape your thoughts, embracing kindness in all areas is easier. Here are a few affirmations that might help:

  1. Positive thinking empowers me to overcome obstacles and achieve my goals.
  2. There is always a better way; I trust myself to find it.
  3. I choose to see the goodness in others and approach them with kindness and empathy.
  4. I approach life open-mindedly, embracing new perspectives and possibilities.

These affirmations promote self-compassion by building a positive self-image and combating negative thoughts of unworthiness. It also encourages empathy and universal kindness. Sobriety helps build a compassionate view of the world, reducing isolation because we don’t feel alone.

What affirmation works for you?

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

*** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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