Daily Sober Book

Practice Patience

patience May 29, 2024

Patience is a virtue that counteracts many defects of character.

Patience is vital in sobriety because recovery is a gradual process, and expecting instant results can lead to frustration and potential setbacks. Sobriety involves not just abstaining from substances but also fundamentally changing long-standing habits and thought patterns, which naturally takes time.

Being patient allows for a realistic understanding of the recovery journey. It acknowledges that there will be ups and downs and that healing from the physical and emotional damage caused by addiction doesn't happen overnight. Patience also helps develop new coping mechanisms and rebuild relationships, which are crucial for long-term recovery.

One day, I met Tom playing golf, and he was struggling with addiction, so I encouraged him to enter a recovery program. Initially excited, but he expected quick changes. He wanted immediate improvements in his relationships and job. But when things didn't turn around fast, his frustration grew.

One evening, feeling like his efforts were pointless, he left rehab and relapsed. This incident was a big wake-up call. We met, and I realized he didn’t have patience - he expected instant results, which was unrealistic. We worked together, and he learned to embrace patience, understanding that real change takes time and effort. This shift in mindset became crucial for his ongoing recovery journey, teaching him the value of perseverance and gradual progress.

Patience fosters resilience. When setbacks occur, such as cravings or even relapses, patience helps one view them not as failures but as part of the journey, learn from them, and move forward.

Good things do not happen overnight.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

*** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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