Daily Sober Book

Progress Not Perfection In Sobriety

inspirational road to sobriety sober life Jun 01, 2024

Focus on ongoing improvement, not achieving perfection, which isn’t reasonable.


Aiming for perfection isn’t necessary or obtainable. While trying to be perfect is admirable, small positive advances build a better life. If you’re doing better this week than last, the incremental change is positive progress.

Recently, I met Sam, who has been sober for a few weeks. He’s working on his program, but there’s a chance he could slip up and have a drink. He voiced concerns, and I explained sobriety is hard and if he’s trying today, that’s a win.

Instead of viewing relapse as a complete failure and giving up, I told Sam to acknowledge the mistake and recognize the weeks of sobriety as a significant achievement. Sam can always re-commit to sobriety, using the slip-up as a learning experience. This mindset shifts from seeking perfection to valuing progress is vital for maintaining long-term recovery and not getting discouraged by setbacks.

A perfect day for me includes not drinking, yes, but being kind and decent to others; otherwise, I’m okay with having a few failures. We have flaws and will continue to work on our defects. The victory is the progress you’re making and improving daily.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

*** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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