Daily Sober Book

Sobriety Is A Journey, Not A Destination

inspirational road to sobriety sober life May 30, 2024

Learning to recover from substance abuse and live sober is a lifelong journey, not a one-day event.

Initially, people are motivated to get sober because new things are exciting, and we start with enthusiasm. But just like a new car that’s exciting originally, our enthusiasm soon declines. What was new and exciting is now the new normal. Much of addiction is looking for the thrill, the next best thing, but in sobriety and life, some days need to be boring.

Fantasizing about a perfect outcome doesn’t make it a reality. The sobriety journey has ups and downs, but many unseen small victories eventually improve life. Enjoy the trip, and don’t try to speed it up. The days of sticking through it will make you proud.

Also, don’t limit your potential by envisioning a “perfect destination” that isn’t a reality. Ultimately, you may not even want what you thought was perfect. Work on your defects and flaws and see where the road takes you.

I got sober 11 years ago (as of this writing), and if you told me then I would be doing the things I’m doing today, I would think you’re crazy. I didn’t limit myself or expect anything. I stayed sober and tried to be better, one day at a time. There was no perfect destination ending because the journey was ongoing.

This journey is special and unique; enjoy it and realize the things that need to happen will happen as they’re supposed to. No amount of stress or anxiety towards your future will matter one bit.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

*** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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