Daily Sober Book

Surround Yourself with Positivity

Aug 13, 2024

Being around positive people can reinforce positive behaviors.

Positive folks’ model constructive behaviors, such as healthy habits, optimism, and perseverance, which can be infectious and inspiring; their attitudes can also be contagious. When someone laughs around me, I smile and laugh more.

Music has always been inspiring and positive for me. Listening to inspirational songs inspired my early sobriety. I remember riding on the subways in NYC, listening to the same songs repeatedly because they uplifted me and provided an ethereal, warm feeling. The music was my hype man, helping me overcome the battle of addiction. Sometimes, a song would give that little punch that I needed to keep my motivation strong.

The company you keep plays a significant role in your personal development journey. Surround yourself with positive influences—books, music, people—that align with your evolving beliefs. Positive influences can propel you forward, help maintain momentum, and contribute to a more fulfilling and successful transformation. Guard the people who come into your life, but leave the gates open for people who can add value.


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