Daily Sober Book

The Saying, "Act As If..."

Sep 10, 2024

Adopt the behaviors and mindset of the person you aspire to be.

Russian writer Leo Tolstoy said, “Act as if you are, and you will become such.” Putting thoughts behind actions achieves outstanding results. We should behave as if the positive change we want has already occurred. Envision and put in the work to manifest. Along the way, “Act as if…” should help us adopt new attitudes with better reactions to things that once irritated us.

Recently, I was playing basketball with my 6-year-old son, and we were role-playing his upcoming game. He said, “What if the game is tied, and I get the ball with a few seconds left?” I said, “Act as if that’s happening.” I proceeded to ask what he would do. He said, “I’ll shoot the ball in the hole!” We practiced the likelihood of that event - shot after shot. My son envisioned a scenario and practiced the action to earn the desired result.

In recovery, the phrase is something we can use to deal with cravings. If someone is struggling, "acting as if" might mean behaving as someone who no longer has a dependency. This could involve seeking healthy activities or engaging in hobbies that don't involve drinking, even if the craving is still present.

Likewise, someone with low self-esteem might "act as if" they are confident by practicing assertiveness, engaging in social activities they usually avoid, or taking on challenges that typically wouldn't foster genuine confidence.

The idea is that by "acting as if," a person can enact real change in their behavior and attitude. It's based on the concept that external actions can influence internal states, gradually leading to genuine change and growth.


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