Daily Sober Book

"This Too Shall Pass"

Sep 01, 2024

Your current struggles are temporary and will pass.

Abraham Lincoln famously said, “This too shall pass,” applying the phrase to many situations. I use this expression to help people understand that every feeling eventually disappears. It’s essential to know that our suffering isn’t permanent—that, too, shall pass.

For someone going through substance withdrawal, every moment feels like an eternity. "This too shall pass" serves as a reminder of the transient nature of difficult experiences. Despite the intense and challenging nature of the moment - withdrawals or slip-ups, it is not permanent.

This perspective provides a sense of hope, encouraging you to persevere through discomfort with the understanding that it will eventually subside, leading to healing. It's a reassurance that the pain and struggle you’re currently experiencing is a phase, eventually paving the way to a better state.

Sobriety is a beautiful experience, but it’s not always perfect. What you’re going through will, at some point, be a memory. When you’re craving a substance, a second feels like an eternity, but the more we resist urges, the better we develop proper coping skills.

We feel one emotion at a time. When things are going well, we want to stay in bliss, but when things are bad, we want it to go away. If you find it challenging to sit with an emotion, use your support system or some other coping mechanism. The emotions you feel will pass.



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