Daily Sober Book

Visualize Compassion

compassion visualization May 24, 2024

Visualize responding to challenges with compassion, a potent antidote to many defects.

Showing compassion is vital because it connects us to others and creates a sense of belonging. It helps reduce feelings of isolation and increases empathy. Compassion also triggers the release of feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin, boosting our mood and reducing stress.

Years ago, I had a gym partner, Jason, who was tough and pragmatic, often to the point of seeming cold-hearted. Jason had little patience for others’ weaknesses. This attitude alienated friends and colleagues. It was hard to tolerate him in the gym most of the time.

One day, we encountered a gymmate, Jamie, struggling with a personal loss. Jason dismissed Jamie's grief as weak. I helped Jason realize that Jamie was dealing with something profound and reminded him about the significant impact of his grandmother's death a few years prior. That conversation stirred something in him—a realization that everyone, including themselves, fights battles.

One day, Jason found Jamie quietly in the corner. Jamie and Jason started talking and sharing. Jason began to see the world through Jamie’s eyes – the pain, the effort to keep going. For the first time, Jason felt a genuine urge to understand and support someone else.

This interaction marked a turning point. Jason started to approach people more empathetically, understanding that compassion isn’t about weakness but recognizing the shared human experience. Most importantly, Jamie and Jason forged a meaningful friendship, learning that showing compassion changes the lives of others and can profoundly transform one’s own.

By caring for others, we realize a more profound sense of purpose and satisfaction in our lives, enhancing our overall emotional health. In essence, compassion enriches our lives and the lives of those around us, creating a more fulfilling and empathetic world.

How do you visualize compassion in your life?

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

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