Daily Sober Book

Watch Out For Environmental Triggers

triggers Jun 12, 2024

Environmental triggers are external cues that provoke cravings or remind someone of their substance use. These triggers are particularly challenging because they are often woven into everyday life and catch individuals off guard.

Common Environmental Triggers:

  • Places: Bars, clubs, or locations where you used to drink/use.
  • People: Friends or acquaintances with whom you drank or used.
  • Situations: Events like parties or holidays.

Emotional Triggers:

  • Stress: High-pressure situations can drive a desire to escape.
  • Anxiety: Feelings of worry lead to substance use as self-medication.
  • Loneliness: Isolation increases the urge to use substances for comfort.
  • Boredom: Lack of stimulation leads to substance use to pass the time.

Dealing with Environmental Triggers:

  • High-Risk Situations: Whenever possible, steer clear of places where substance use is prevalent.
  • Routine: Create a new routine that doesn’t include the old triggers.
  • Seek Support: Don’t be afraid to lean on friends, family, or support groups.
  • New Interests: Developing new hobbies can fill the void left by avoiding specific environments and provide a positive focus.

Navigating and overcoming triggers is a crucial aspect of maintaining sobriety. It involves being aware of the triggers, actively avoiding or managing them, and building a lifestyle that supports a healthy, substance-free life.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

** For Justin's 90 Days of Sobriety course, click here.

*** To buy Daily Sober, click here.


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