Daily Sober Book

Acknowledging Your Impact on Others

Aug 09, 2024

Consider the transformative power of your actions. This awareness not only fosters empathy but also has the potential to reshape your character. With empathy, you begin to develop a conscience, which leads to humility; before you know it, you’re a better person. It's a journey that starts with recognizing how your actions have impacted those in your life.

I once promised my family that I would come home for the holidays. The day before I was to leave, I got drunk, missed my flight, and didn’t show up. My actions were embarrassing because I hadn’t seen my family in over a year. They began worrying about me because my behavior became increasingly uncontrollable.

At first, my antics didn’t bother me; I just thought, “I’m a wild and crazy guy!” However, over time, I started feeling a profound sense of responsibility for how I treated others, and this was the initial stage of developing empathy.

Empathy is putting yourself in someone else's shoes and feeling what they feel. Imagine your buddy who felt let down on their birthday - now you're feeling that disappointment too; you think what they feel. Understanding the impact of your actions helps grow the empathy muscle.

Remember, it’s a two-way street. As you develop empathy, you better understand others and attract more understanding and supportive people into your life. By sending out one good vibe, you're likely to receive it back tenfold, fostering a cycle of empathy and support.

* For Sober coaching with Justin, click here.

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