Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Don't Enable Addiction Aug 02, 2024

Enabling someone is the antithesis of helping. Your intentions might be sincere, but enabling does more harm than good. For instance, you loan your addict friend money, but deep inside, you know...

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Reflect On Your Progress Jul 11, 2024

Let’s consider the case of Evan, a  35-year-old software engineer. He had been struggling with alcohol addiction for several years when I met him. His addiction started as social...

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The Functioning Alcoholic (Is Dangerous) Jul 02, 2024

A functioning alcoholic is someone who manages to maintain their daily life – work, relationships, responsibilities – while regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol (or their drug...

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Reflect on Impulsivity May 19, 2024

Alcohol and substance abuse can increase impulsivity, which is dangerous not only for the addicted but for those around us as well. There are phases of addiction led by impulsive behaviors, causing...

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