Daily Sober Book

Daily Soberย Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Acts Of Kindness Jun 17, 2024

 Thinking with our ego, it’s all me, me, me! Getting outside our heads and thinking of someone else provides fulfillment because we see another soul touched. Simple acts of kindness can...

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Progress Not Perfection In Sobriety Jun 01, 2024

Focus on ongoing improvement, not achieving perfection, which isn’t reasonable.


Aiming for perfection isn’t necessary or obtainable. While trying to be perfect is admirable,...

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Sobriety Is A Journey, Not A Destination May 30, 2024

Learning to recover from substance abuse and live sober is a lifelong journey, not a one-day event.

Initially, people are motivated to get sober because new things are exciting, and we start with...

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