Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Learn From Your Mistakes Jul 31, 2024

Amanda always dreamed of opening a bakery. After years of saving and planning, her dream finally came true. At first, business was booming; we even got our daughter's birthday cake there. However,...

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Kill Your Ego Jul 28, 2024

The ego contributes to defects; awareness is the key to overcoming it.


Our ego, a complex part of our psyche, mediates between desires and the demands of the real world. It guides our...

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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence Jun 24, 2024

Emotional intelligence (EQ) involves self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, all crucial in navigating addiction challenges. Recently, I heard a speaker, Sarah,...

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Don't Compromise Your Values Jun 18, 2024

Stand up for what you believe because there will be temptations. If we don’t know what we stand for, we’ll end up relapsing, restarting the cycle we wish to avoid. As we change, our...

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