Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Dealing with Loss and Pain Jul 29, 2024

Grieving can be incredibly challenging, but it's possible to navigate these emotions without turning to substances. Living in addiction, it was easier to cope with loss; we picked up a bottle or...

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Reflect on Relationships Jul 27, 2024

Reflect on the impact of your actions. Honest assessment supports positive connections and communication.

Our relationships can suffer significantly due to addictive behaviors. When someone is...

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The Importance of Fellowship with Others Jul 13, 2024

Realize you’re not alone. Millions of people are currently trying to kick a bad habit. Early in sobriety, it was hard for me to connect with others. It might have been my ego or pride, but I...

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Examine Relationship Patterns May 27, 2024

Analyze patterns in your relationships. Recognizing these patterns is essential for building healthier connections. Let’s focus on three patterns: Social, Emotional, and Routine Patterns.

  1. ...
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