Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Mental Health and Addiction Connection Aug 14, 2024

The link between addiction and mental health is complex, like a two-way street where each can influence the other. A person struggling with mental health may turn to a substance as a coping...

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Surround Yourself with Positivity Aug 13, 2024

Being around positive people can reinforce positive behaviors.

Positive folks’ model constructive behaviors, such as healthy habits, optimism, and perseverance, which can be infectious and...

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You Can't Make Someone Quit (Addiction) Aug 12, 2024

Nobody could make me change. I had to want it myself, and when I decided to get sober, I was alone - just me and my thoughts. There was no influence or suggestion, but I knew the time was right....

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Identifying Patterns in Addiction Aug 11, 2024

People identify several patterns related to addiction. Recognizing these patterns is crucial, as it helps in understanding the triggers and behaviors associated with substance use. Some common...

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"It's Simple For Complicated People" Aug 10, 2024

As they say, “It’s easier to stay sober than to get sober.”

People live through massive amounts of chaos. They continually stress themselves out and repeatedly fix the damage....

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Acknowledging Your Impact on Others Aug 09, 2024

Consider the transformative power of your actions. This awareness not only fosters empathy but also has the potential to reshape your character. With empathy, you begin to develop a conscience,...

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Alcohol's Impact on the Heart Aug 08, 2024

The heart is a tireless engine, working 24/7 to pump life-giving blood throughout our body. This blood carries essential nutrients and oxygen to every cell, keeping us alive and kicking. Now,...

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7 Positive Affirmations for Sobriety Aug 07, 2024

Affirmations shape your mindset. Here are a few positive affirmations that may be healthy to learn. Practice and repeat the ones that work for you:

"I am on a journey of transformation, and I...

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Make Amends with Kindness Aug 06, 2024

Engage in acts of kindness to embody the spirit of amends daily.

Kindness helps prevent the cycle of harm from repeating. If you're actively being kind and considerate in your daily interactions,...

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Sober Celebrity: Ben Affleck Aug 05, 2024

 Actor Ben Affleck’s journey is an ongoing, candid story of battling addiction. Affleck’s struggle with alcohol became public knowledge over the years as he faced various...

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Importance of Emotional Sobriety Aug 04, 2024

There’s no victory in sobriety if our emotional state is destructive. We have to obliterate alcohol and drugs from our thinking; instead, we try to think of our true feelings. What are they?...

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How To Deal With Anger Aug 03, 2024

Explore healthy outlets and coping mechanisms for addressing anger.

Scribbling down thoughts and feelings can be a safe way to express anger; channel anger onto paper instead of allowing it to...

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Don't Enable Addiction Aug 02, 2024

Enabling someone is the antithesis of helping. Your intentions might be sincere, but enabling does more harm than good. For instance, you loan your addict friend money, but deep inside, you know...

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"Think Think Think" (about your actions) Aug 01, 2024

Be thoughtful before acting on urges.

The phrase “Think, Think Think” was the first thing I saw upon entering an Alcoholics Anonymous room. I vividly remember seeing it as I walked down...

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Learn From Your Mistakes Jul 31, 2024

Amanda always dreamed of opening a bakery. After years of saving and planning, her dream finally came true. At first, business was booming; we even got our daughter's birthday cake there. However,...

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Boredom is YOUR Problem Jul 30, 2024

"I'm bored" is an excuse that can lead to relapse. Boredom is a luxury. To have nothing interest you and be restless and weary is a lucky problem. Look at the world's hardships; many people find...

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Dealing with Loss and Pain Jul 29, 2024

Grieving can be incredibly challenging, but it's possible to navigate these emotions without turning to substances. Living in addiction, it was easier to cope with loss; we picked up a bottle or...

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Kill Your Ego Jul 28, 2024

The ego contributes to defects; awareness is the key to overcoming it.


Our ego, a complex part of our psyche, mediates between desires and the demands of the real world. It guides our...

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Reflect on Relationships Jul 27, 2024

Reflect on the impact of your actions. Honest assessment supports positive connections and communication.

Our relationships can suffer significantly due to addictive behaviors. When someone is...

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Living Today Is The Gift Jul 26, 2024

With all its ups and downs, valleys and mountains, life's journey is incredible - be grateful you’re part of it.

The fact that we’re alive is amazing. It doesn’t matter if we die...

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Naomi Campbell's Journey to Sobriety Jul 25, 2024

Iconic supermodel Naomi Campbell has a powerful story of overcoming addiction, marked by personal resolve and a commitment to change. Campbell's struggles began during her fast rise as a fashion...

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What's Holding You Back? Jul 24, 2024

You stand at the precipice of change, a journey of self-improvement and sobriety that beckons with promise and challenge. This path requires courage, commitment, and resilience, which you possess....

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The Beauty of Sobriety Jul 23, 2024

Sobriety is a beautiful place. I’ve been here a while and love it, but there was a time when I thought drinking was an incredible experience. I would sip on a drink and think,...

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Alcohol's Impact On Sleep Jul 22, 2024

Sleep – that magical restorative process we love but often don't get enough of. We're told to aim for 7 to 8 hours a night, but why? During sleep, our body repairs itself, our brain...

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