Daily Sober Book

Daily SoberΒ Blog

365 Lessons To Break Bad Habits

Sober Celebrity: Samuel L. Jackson Jul 05, 2024

Samuel L. Jackson's struggle began early, and he openly discussed his addiction to heroin and later cocaine in the 1980s, often using substances as a coping mechanism for climbing the Hollywood...

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Letting Go Of Control Jul 04, 2024

Release the need to control every aspect of your life. Letting go is the gateway to freedom. I had to let go of control to find my powers because my control resulted in addiction, jail time, stints...

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Gratitude For Growth Jul 03, 2024

Getting sober and turning over a new leaf is hitting the reset button on life. It’s important to express gratitude for this fresh start. Even if you’re not where you want to be, the...

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The Functioning Alcoholic (Is Dangerous) Jul 02, 2024

A functioning alcoholic is someone who manages to maintain their daily life – work, relationships, responsibilities – while regularly consuming large amounts of alcohol (or their drug...

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"Just For Today" I Will Be Better Jul 01, 2024

The 'Just For Today' approach, emphasizing acceptance rather than forcing everything to adjust to your desires, offers a powerful perspective on life. This approach can be particularly beneficial...

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"It Helps Me Feel Better" Jun 30, 2024

Let’s talk about the “It helps me feel better” excuse. Sometimes, we need to numb our pain. I get it, but gratification doesn’t need to be instant. In sobriety, we need...

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When Addiction Wins Jun 29, 2024

Addiction can be nasty - an insidious adversary that can prove exceptionally difficult to overcome. Its ability to prevail can be attributed to psychological, physiological, and environmental...

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Let Go Of Resentments Jun 28, 2024

Consider resentment: a backpack filled with bricks and brick symbolizes a grudge or a negative emotion you cling to. Like that backpack, resentment can be weighty, sapping your energy and...

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Set Boundaries Jun 27, 2024

Healthy boundaries are crucial for sobriety.

Your sobriety is sacred. Guard it like a fortress. Set boundaries and let people enter who enhance your life. All others must go. Don’t negotiate...

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What Is Your Goal for Sobriety? Jun 26, 2024

Goals provide direction, motivation, a clear sense of purpose, and benchmarks for progress, helping us measure success. They also offer a sense of accomplishment, reinforcing positive behaviors and...

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Sober Celebrity: Miley Cyrus Jun 25, 2024

Miley Cyrus rose to fame at a young age and has publicly discussed her use of marijuana and alcohol in the past but did not explicitly frame her experience within the context of addiction. Instead,...

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The Importance of Emotional Intelligence Jun 24, 2024

Emotional intelligence (EQ) involves self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, all crucial in navigating addiction challenges. Recently, I heard a speaker, Sarah,...

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Practice Humility Jun 23, 2024

Humility allows us to extend compassion to others. By accepting limitations, you come to appreciate the effort of others. Practicing humility is like having a secret superpower. It's not about...

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Alcohol's Impact on Hormones Jun 22, 2024

Hormones are the body's messengers, orchestrating many functions – from stress response to growth and metabolism. They're crucial in maintaining a delicate balance in our bodies, ensuring...

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Connect To A Higher Power Jun 21, 2024

I must admit, going into sobriety, I had an issue with the whole “higher power” thing. Much of this stemmed from shifting accountability from myself to a higher power, which seemed...

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"Play the Tape Through" (understanding consequences) Jun 20, 2024


"Playing the tape through" is a cognitive-behavioral technique often used in therapy to help individuals foresee the consequences of their actions. Way back in the day, I did a couple of...

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Sober Celebrity: Drew Barrymore Jun 19, 2024

Drew Barrymore was exposed to substance abuse early in life, finding herself battling addiction to drugs and alcohol as a teenager. Her struggles were heightened by the pressures of growing up...

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Don't Compromise Your Values Jun 18, 2024

Stand up for what you believe because there will be temptations. If we don’t know what we stand for, we’ll end up relapsing, restarting the cycle we wish to avoid. As we change, our...

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Acts Of Kindness Jun 17, 2024

 Thinking with our ego, it’s all me, me, me! Getting outside our heads and thinking of someone else provides fulfillment because we see another soul touched. Simple acts of kindness can...

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The Power Of Now Jun 16, 2024

Every moment is a new beginning. Your journey to sobriety starts now, with this breath, this step.

Life can be marred by past shadows and future uncertainties. However, the actual moment of change...

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"More Will Be Revealed" Jun 15, 2024

Life isn’t always going to go our way - even in recovery. We’ll lose jobs, get broken up with, and our loved ones will pass away. During these difficult times, it might be hard to cope....

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Romanticizing the Past (Be Careful) Jun 14, 2024

I’ll admit that sometimes it’s fun to romanticize the past. This doesn’t mean we want to relive those moments, though. Appreciating the good times isn’t the same as fueling...

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Connect with a Spiritual Community Jun 13, 2024

Go where you can find your people. If unsure where that is, visit different environments and communities, such as churches, AA meetings, volunteer groups, or local meetups. In recovery, two minds...

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Watch Out For Environmental Triggers Jun 12, 2024

Environmental triggers are external cues that provoke cravings or remind someone of their substance use. These triggers are particularly challenging because they are often woven into everyday life...

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